/ R67
Aviar Motors
2018 - 2019
The R67 is a grand coupe with the appearance of 1967 and the dynamics of a modern electric car.

The dream car!
/ Style
More than a mustang
The goal was to create the exterior and interior design over existed car

We have developed a body and interior design over the base of Tesla Model S with appearance of Mustang 67'

The design solution considers all modern regulation and certification requirements
/ Exterior
​​​​​​​Created with the A class surfacing requirements

Exterior takes into account the Model S body geometry and the battery pack with all other drivetrain components, suspension, steering and other systems
/ Interior
The new interior has a classic look with modern functionality and ergonomics. We have integrated all the elements of Model S interior into the new R67 design while retaining all the features of Model S interior

A new design of the dashboard with integrated monitors from Model S, doors with integrated control units, buttons, pedal assembly, glove box and all safety systems

Original Model S seats and steering wheel were redesigned while maintaining all functions
/ Engineering
​​​​​​​The body structure of the R67 was developed
with the engineers of KB_Arhipov
" - We took the body structure from a modern car and changed only the exterior. All mechatronics, electrics, and the power units have not been changed "

Vasiliy Arhipov
/ Body
The calculated stiffness of the carbon body elements is
15 times higher than the original aluminum structure

The carbon fiber body was manufactured by KB_Arhipov
engineering and manufacturing company

/ Prototype
​​​​​​​It took only 15 months from the first sketch till functional prototype

In July 2019, the R67 was shown at a local exhibition in Moscow
/ R67
As a result we have an exclusive and modern electric car
that can be used for a daily ride with the highest standards
in comfort and safety